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Electronics & Communication Engineering


Department Laboratories and Other Facilities :

In the Department, well-equipped labs are setup to facilitate smooth conduction of the lab and to carryout projects/mini projects and research and development activities. These laboratories are effectively used by the Department throughout the year. These cater to undergraduate students of all the branches. Each laboratory maintains a stock register detailing the equipment history

Basic Electronics Engineering Lab :

The aim of this laboratory is to give practical exposure to students on various electronic components, semiconductor devices and electronics instruments which facilitates to design basic electronic circuits and analyze their characteristics.

Name of the Important Equipment :
PN junction diode Kit Zener Diode Characteristic Kit
PN Junction Diode Application Apparatus
PN Junction Diode Characteristic Apparatus
Voltage Regulation Zener Diode Apparatus
Digital Multimeter
Function Generator
DC power supply

Basic Electronics Engineering Lab
Electronic Devices Lab
Electronic Devices Lab :

The aim of this laboratory is catering to the courses on electronic devices enabling the students to verify the theoretical concepts of electronic devices and circuits. This laboratory also includes the analysis of electronic circuits using hardware kits

Name of the Important Equipment :
PN junction diode Kit
Zener Diode Characteristic Kit
PN Junction Diode Application Apparatus
Voltage Regulation Zener Diode Apparatus
Digital Multimeter
Function Generator
DC power supply
Bread Board
Signal System Lab/Digital Signal Processing Lab/Control System Lab:

In this labs Students learn the design flow from theory to software or hardware implementation and acquire practical knowledge by analyzing signals, with examples from the real world.

Name of the Important Equipment :
MATLAB Software
Signal System Lab/Digital Signal Processing Lab/Control System Lab
Digital Communication Lab
Digital Communication Lab

This laboratory includes hardware kits to analyze different digital communication systems in time and frequency domain. The main focus is to train the students to design the circuits for transmission and reception of digital signals. Analysis of various digital modulators and de-modulators circuits can be performed.

Name of the Important Equipment :
Pulse Code Modulation Transmitter DCL03 Kit
Pulse Code Modulation Receiver DCL04 Kit
Delta Modulation/Demodulation DCL07 Kit
Data conditioning & carrier modulation DCL05 Kit
Data reconditioning & carrier demodulation DCL06 Kit
Digital storage Oscilloscope
Power Supply
Function generator
Connecting chords
Communication Engineering Lab

This laboratory includes hardware kits to analyze different Analog communication systems in time and frequency domain. The main focus is to train the students to design the circuits for transmission and reception of analog signals. Analysis of various analog modulators and de-modulators circuits can be performed.

Name of the Important Equipment :
Amplitude Modulation Transmitter ACL01 Kits
Amplitude Modulation Receiver ACL02 Kits
Frequency Modulation ACL03
Frequency Demodulation ACL04
Sampling Hold & Reconstruction DCL01
Data Conditioning & Carrier Modulation DCL05 Kit
Data Reconditioning & Carrier Demodulation DCL06 Kit
Power Supply
Function generator
Connecting Chords
Communication Engineering Lab
Analog Circuit Lab
Analog Circuit Lab

The laboratory introduces the basic building blocks of Analog circuits to understand fundamental characteristics of BJT and Op-Amps. It includes design of various applications using BJT such as CE configuration, Multistage stage and op-amp as integrator, differentiator, summing, difference amplifier.

Name of the Important Equipment :
Op-amp Characteristics Kit
Op-amp Application Kit
Single Stage RC Coupled Amplifier Kit
Two Stage RC Coupled Amplifier Kit
Study of Emitter Follower (CC) Amplifier Kit
Push-Pull Amplifier Kit
Emitter Coupled Differential Amplifier
Wien Bridge Oscillation Kit
RC Phase Shift Oscillator Kit
A/D Convertor
D/A Convertor
Integrated Circuit Lab

The laboratory introduces the basic building blocks of linear integrated circuits to understand fundamental characteristics of op-amps. It includes design of various applications using op-amp as voltage converters, log, antilog and wave generation circuits.

Name of the Important Equipment :
Waveform Generator using Op-amp (Sine, Square & Triangular Wave)
Astable Multivibrator using 555 timer IC
Monostable Multivibrator using 555 timer IC
Log-Antilog Amplifiers kit
Voltage Comparator& Zero-Crossing Detectors kit
Second Order Filter using Op-amp (LPF, HPF &BPF)
PLL Frequency Kit
Function Generator
Integrated Circuit Lab
Microprocessor & Microcontroller Lab/Microcontroller for Embedded System Lab
Microprocessor & Microcontroller Lab/Microcontroller for Embedded System Lab

This laboratory familiarizes the students with basic architecture and operation of 8085, 8086 microprocessors. The laboratory is helpful in developing programming techniques and debugging skills. It also includes 8085 interfacing to various I/O devices and peripheral devices such as RS-232C, 8155/8255. The laboratory provides a platform to the students to design and develop real time projects.

Name of the Important Equipment :
MSP430 Development Board and Energia Software
8085 trainer Kit
8086 trainer Kit
8051 trainer Kit
Study Card 8257,8255,8279,8251,8253
Traffic Light Control Study Setup
Digital System Design Lab

The aim of this laboratory is to acquire the basic knowledge of digital logic levels and to design and verify basic digital electronics circuits. It includes designing and testing of combinational circuits, sequential circuits, digital logic families and programmable logic devices.

Name of the Important Equipment :
4-bit parallel adder kit
Arithmetic Logic Unit Kit
BCD to 7 Segment Decoder Kit
Binary Full Adder and Subtractor Kit
Study of 4-bit PIPO and PISO Register Kit
Study of 4-bit SISO and SIPO Register Kit
TTL CMOS Trainer Kit
Boolean Algebra & Demorgan’s Theorem
Binary Adder/ Subtractor using IC 7483
4-bit Synchronous Binary Counter
Four-to-one line Multiplexer
Basic Logic Gates (TTL ICs)

Digital System Design Lab
Microwave & Radar Engineering Lab
Microwave & Radar Engineering Lab

It is equipped with microwave bench including various waveguide components for carrying out experiments on microwave techniques.

Name of the Important Equipment :
Microwave Test Bench
Klystron Power Supply
VSWR Meter
DSO apparatus
Detector Mount
MHD 10db
Pyramidal Horn Antenna
Pin Modulator
Circulator and Magic Tee
E-plane Tee and H-Plane Tee
DPM voltmeter
Project Lab

In Project Laboratory the students are able to develop prototypes on the solid foundations of the basic concepts of electronics components, their specification and circuit designing. Thus, the Lab is useful to train the students how to interface and select components for the desired circuit by studying the datasheets. Along with the theoretical knowledge, the accumulated hands-on experience also enhances by solving different design problems in this laboratory.

Name of the Important Equipment :
Bread Board
Power Supply
Nand Gate IC
OR Gate IC
Project Lab
Additional Facilities:

Departmental Library: It is used for faculty as well as students of the department. It has following facilities.

Previous year project reports for students.
Previous year Industrial Training reports for students.
Specimen books/Textbooks used for reference for faculty as well as students.