Admission Help Line +91-8009902936, +91 8009902937 KIPM, GIDA



The Department started in the year 2009. Pharmacology Department is a very dynamic department. Departmental courses cover a broad range of disciplines, including Pharmacology and Toxicology, in addition to Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Pharmacy. In addition, the department offers Master in Pharmacy course with Pharmacology specialization.



Well settled animal house approved by Committee for the Purpose of Control And Supervision of Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA approval No. 1711/PO/E/S/13/CPCSEA).


Instruments Available

  • Lagendroffs Apparatus
  • Telethermometer
  • Plethismograph
  • Actophotometer
  • Pole Climbing Apparatus
  • Analgesiometer (Hot Plate Method and Tail Flick Method)